Every object at rest remains at rest unless an external force acts on it. So it is with every aspect of our lives. When we refuse to act on our responsibilities, our lives remain stagnant, stationary and unprogressive until we generate a force of action. Many of us prefer to stay in our comfort zones, to go through the same routines and maintain the status quo. However, for us to fulfil purpose and achieve our God-given potentials, we must break the hold of inertia and push ahead.

Interestingly, every object, in a state of motion, continues in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it (Newton’s first law of motion). This implies that even when we have begun moving in the direction of our vision, external irritations and life’s pressures can hinder our progress and stop our motion. Just as we must generate both internal and external force to overcome inertia, we must continually sustain the force in order to gain momentum and attain the level of excellence.

How can we achieve these?

  1. Be a ‘LIST’ person.

Write down all you have to do: the vision, the goals, the strategies, the tasks. Habakkuk 2:2 says, ‘Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.’ Go everywhere with a pen and a book. Lists help to organize, reduce tension and see the big picture. It brings everything under control. It allows you to think step by step. Bit by bit. You must have all kinds of lists. To Do List, Stop-To-Do List, Thanksgiving List, Memory Verse List, List of Repentance, Phone List – Those to call, List of those to visit; etc. Make no assumptions. The brain may forget but the pen and paper always serve as a great reminder.

  1. Do not enter the LAZY trap.

Do not enter the trap of laziness or idleness. Lazy people pile up work and do not have a plan. They are not punctual and they make presumptions. Those who are lazy pass the buck, procrastinate and have their mental picture filled with obstacles. They neither do mind work nor manual work. They do not have a sleep wake pattern. A sluggard sleeps and lags behind (a Laggard). Hebrews 6:12 says, ‘We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised’ (NIV). Proverbs 10:4 NIV – ‘Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth’ Proverbs 26:15 – ‘The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; he is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth’ (NIV). Proverbs 6:6-11 – ‘Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. She has no overseer, no governor, no ruler but in summer, she prepares her store of food and lays in her supplies at harvest’ (NEB). You must break the hold of laziness. You must be productive, not just a consumer.

  1. Launch out

Launching out frees you from obsession with yourself and the past. It helps you to harness opportunities around and opens up opportunities for others. Launch out is a sign of obedience to God. It is the divine order of the kingdom. It is faith in operation.

In launching out:

  • Finish what you have started.
  • Courageously act against your fears.
  • Find – Whatsoever your hand finds to do…
  • Be a fisher of men – Be a ‘Kingdom focused person.’ Testify, teach, and talk about God’s glory.

Finally, be in tune with God. The only way to sustain our momentum is to be in constant fellowship with God. He is the source of strength, our sustaining power. He carries us when the going is tough and gives us an unbreakable spirit! Ride on in the strength of God’s immutable power and do the impossible in your generation.

God bless you.


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