‘Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.’ (Matthew 11:29)

Today we will look at one of the fruits of the Spirit – Gentleness. Some people are, by nature, quiet, easygoing people. However, when faced with daunting challenges, you will observe that they react in ways you do not expect. Gentleness is imputed in us by the Holy Ghost, a result of our walk with the person of Christ. Gentleness is the humble and meek attitude that is shown in how we think about and treat others, and in what we say about and to them. Gentleness is mildness combined with tenderness; controlled strength, kind disposition, even tempered, tranquil, balanced spirit; power and strength under control. 

What characterizes gentle people?

  1. They have broken the cord of stubbornness. A gentle person is subject to a higher authority, for there is no authority than that which is God’s. in 1 Samuel 15:23, Prophet Samuel told King Saul, ‘For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry…’ To fully manifest the fruits of the Spirit, we must continually break the cord of stubbornness and ask that the Lord will give us a heart of flesh.
  2. Gentle people learn of Christ and acquire his Spirit. Christ is our model of gentleness. What attributes can we learn from Christ? He had intimacy with the Father. When you are intimate with God, you strive less with men. He had an earnest and fervent intercessory prayer life. He had insight into men and this He showed by the Spirit of meekness. Finally, He came to this earth to fulfil the Father’s mission.
  3. Those who are gentle give space to others. They hear others out. Fifty to sixty percent of the problems we encounter in this world stems from the fact that we do not hear people out. We are so full of our own ideas that we do not listen to others.
  4. Gentle people walk in the shoes of others. A gentle person sees things from the other person’s perspective. How does that man feel? They operate the rule ‘Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.’ (Matthew 7:12)
  5. In responding, gentle people have a soft answer. The Bible says, ‘A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger’ (Proverbs 15:1).  They are soft spoken; they are not rude.

When people remember you, can they say you are gentle? Does the fragrance of your presence linger in the memory of others? I pray as you daily walk with the Lord, you will be filled with His Spirit and you will exhibit gentleness in all your dealings. 


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