In our Ministry, November was tagged the month of Exceptional Joy and Service. Today, I will like to share with you on Joy is a Gift from my book, ‘The Power of Joy.’

Joy is an endowment not an attainment; it is what you obtain from God, not what you attain to. Joy is a product of the Spirit of God in you. The Pharisees could not experience joy, like the little children, because they were practicing religion, not having a relationship with God. To them, religion was a form of activity; there was no intimacy with God. God was ‘something’ they practice outside; not someone they possess within. So, they could not understand the spontaneity of those little children. The world will not understand the spontaneity of your joy.

Earl Palmer, a Presbyterian Minister and author, in his message ‘The Search for Joy said, “Joy is a meaningful acceleration in the rhythm of our relationship and our understanding of God… Joy is a surprise gift. It’s an experience of meaningful rhythmic acceleration. That’s why there are strong feelings that go with joy. It’s exuberant sometimes, but also profoundly quiet and peaceful. Notice they’re both together. He calls it an acceleration that’s rhythmic. Also, joy is a surprise gift given to us and in us as a taste of the experience we have with the character of God… it’s a taste of what celestial experience will be like. It’s an advance look of what heaven will be like. Joy, in other words, is an experience of God’s character. And then, evil cannot understand joy. It’s a baffling experience to evil. It’s opaque… It’s baffling to evil and evil cannot stop it.”

Galatians 5:22 tells us, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith.” KJV. And Good News Bible translates thus: “But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.” Simply put ‘what the spirit of God manufactures in you, when you receive the seal of the Holy Ghost, is joy.’ The evidence that the Holy Ghost is in you is that you have love and joy. A songwriter wrote: “Joy is the flag flown high from the castle of my heart, when the King is in residence there. So let it fly in the sky; let the whole world know, that the King is in residence here.” When generals come into a city or arrive at an occasion, the insignia of presence is usually the flag. Whenever there is a flag, you know that the general is seated in the car. So, joy is the flag that every Christian bears when the Most High King is resident in his heart. When the Holy Ghost is in you, He demonstrates His presence with JOY.

John 15:11 says, ‘These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full’ (KJV). In the above verse, Jesus was using a term that the people of the world would not understand. He says, ‘My joy, what I possess.’ If He says, ‘My joy,’ it means there is another kind of joy that is different. Jesus says, ‘I’ve spoken these things to you that my joy may be in you.’ Simply put ‘that my joy might fill you up.’ Whatsoever may be happening around you, whatsoever challenges you may be going through, Jesus’ joy will fill you up and this joy will remain in you.


Culled from The Power of Joy: How to be Joyful 24 hours of the day and 365+ days of the Year by Gregory Erhabor. You can get e-copies on or log on to to make an order.


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