Die to Self

Die to Self

‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.’ John 12:24 


God has called you to intervene in the course of this nation. It’s time you and I take the lead for the nation. However to do this, we must be disciplined and given to prayers. We must die to self.


When you die to self,

  1. You will learn the Power of Submission. Submission means letting go of certain things. If the issues are not eternal, don’t waste your time arguing about them. Submit under God.
  2. You will learn the Power of Secret Prayer. Our society needs a lot of prayers. We must stand in the gap and intercede.
  3. You will learn the Power of Servanthood. This gives you the ability to serve with your eyes on eternity, not on worldly gains. To make a difference we must be willing to contribute positively to the progress of the nation.
  4. You will be Spirit-filled. The only way to be fruitful is to be spirit-filled.

When you are fruitful,

  • You will have wondrous deeds.
  • You will have a winsome character.
  • You will be filled with wisdom.

Let’s stop the spirit of ‘me-ism’ and start thinking of how we can make a difference to our community. God bless you as you go into this day with a firm resolve to make a difference. God bless you.


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